Make Monday Weigh Day

standing on scale You may be tempted to step on a scale a lot. You’re anxious to see how well you’re doing. But checking your weight every day can actually make it harder to stay on your diet. Once a week is sufficient for you to track your progress, because there should be real progress to see.  On a day to day check you might see fluctuations that can be up as well as down. That leads to frustration and failure.

They say to weigh yourself at the same time of day but the day you select can be important too. I’ve found that Monday is the most representative and provides the most satisfaction and motivation. Monday means you are through the temptations of the weekend. Monday sets the direction for the week. Monday is after the weekend, which may have motivated you to stay good during your free time. If you do it any other day you run the risk of deciding that you need to “reward” yourself and indulge a little. That’s especially true of a Friday weigh in. If you’ve been good, the return to routine on Monday will keep you going. If you succumbed to temptation over the weekend the Monday weigh-in might make you feel guilty and give you motivation for a fresh start.

So make Monday the first day of the rest of your diet.


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