The Second Biggest Food Day of The Year

familyschickenwingsToday is Super Bowl Sunday. As amazing as it sounds, it’s the second biggest eating day in the US behind Thanksgiving. So temptations will be abundant today. Go ahead and indulge… A LITTLE. You should find that just a little of the forbidden foods will be very satisfying. Denying yourself entirely will just make you agonize over it. Over-doing it will make you guilt ridden and mad about dieting. That could kick you off of it. I’ve noticed that when I’ve hit a plateau a day of a different diet can jump start my metabolism and weight loss.

Don’t eat mindlessly in front of the TV. Pay attention to what you eat so you can enjoy the treat. Don’t just shove snacks in your face. Remember that protein like chicken wings and nuts will make you more full. The low carb beers taste just as good as the others. Eat well not a lot. Eat high quality, not high quantity. Then get back down to business tomorrow with a bit of extra exercise along with a return to your diet so you can reach your own goal.