Try Brushing Away Cravings

Night-time snacking can destroy the gains… rather… losses that you make during a day of being “good”. This week I’ll share some tips to help you stay on course and skip the desert course. So here goes.

Clean your teeth. Yes good oral hygiene is essential. Bad teeth can lead to all sorts of health problems. So this tip will help you in two ways. Right after dinner brush your teeth with mint toothpaste or swish some sweet cinnamon mouthwash. It will tell your brain you are done eating for the day while satisfying a sweet craving. If you want to insure that you won’t go ahead and eat again anyway, FLOSS. You won’t be tempted to hassle with it and you’ll really impress your hygienist the next time you get your teeth cleaned. As a plus you’ll have a really nice smile when you step on the scale!