Declare Your Independence From Calories

Fire up the grill today as part of the great American tradition and celebrate the 4th with a reasonable number of calories. Grill some nice chicken but keep the barbecue sauce to a minimum. The sugar is a hidden calorie waster. Use hot sauces instead.

Grill veggies too. All that zucchini that’s now coming out of home gardens is a great side. Corn on the cob is an easy grill item. Trim off the silk and then soak it water before putting it on the grill for about 10 minutes. It gets smokey and steamed in the husk.

Skip the potato salad! Coleslaw or tomato & cucumber salad is really great with an easy low cal / low carb  dressing of  mayo and the juice from no sugar “bread & butter” sweet pickles.

Have fruit as dessert. Strawberries and blueberries will keep the theme. Use Splenda as a sweetener. Since that doesn’t make the usual sugar syrup you’ll need to add some liquid. Water will do, or try a little orange juice.

TODAY: Enjoy the picnic, just do it in moderation or your waistline will explode.