Posts tagged: Low Carb Diet

I’m Going on The Atkins Diet… Again

I’ve done it before. I lost a lot of weight with it back before there were shelves filled with Atkins foods. The weight stayed off too, until I got lazy this past year and indulged like I was a teenager. I can’t help that I like great french fries. I’m not into sweets except for doughnuts and pastries. I love breads. So I have to enjoy them in moderation when I’m at a more ideal weight. But for now… they are off my list.

It may not be for you and you need to consult with your doctor before any diet. I did. He approved it for me. It was all the rage a few years ago. Then Dr. Atkins slipped on the ice and died of head injuries. Without the founder and because of severe market saturation of Atkins products, it fell out of favor. But I think it’s a great option.

Click here to find out more about The Atkins Diet.